Scripted Anatomies is a project exploring language construction through textures, structures and codes. Energy channels or "Chakras", inspired by Indian Ayurveda, are translated and categorised into organs and functions. They eventually become abstract manifestations of accessories that target each designated physical body region. This archive of haptic, multi-media objects speculates the human body as modular, interconnected, and a simple arrangement of stacked parts. 
Presented as a book, the knitted structures enveloped within clear acrylic panels act as a lexicon for this translated language.
The Third Eye Chakra is responsible for clarity, concentration and intuition. Therefore, the repurposed sunglasses consist of a vinyl pocket filled with water on the right eye, and biomaterial waste from cornstarch recipes on the left eye, skewing vision and altering perspective.
The Heart Chakra stores love, compassion and joy. Therefore, the crossbody sling bag, made with a pleated knit fabric, falling on the heart region of the body, performs mechanical inhale and exhale functions.
The Root Chakra provides security and stability. The ladder-knit denotes complex root structures beneath the ground, wrapping around a shoe sole.
Ayurveda, translated as "Knowledge of Life," allows us to explore the body as a language. Traditionally, Chakras have been associated with specific body regions, symbolized by colours, gemstones, metals, and hand gestures. This language made it easier for us to understand our bodies. However, at its core, the ancient traditions and history point to a fundamental duality—a dance between passive and active forces, like yin and yang, Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi, and the Sun and the Moon. It is the interplay of these binary elements that brings unity, surpassing the notion of seven Chakras and divisions. In essence, we are all connected as one—an embodiment of the colour white that transcends culture, time, tradition, and science. 

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